Postdoctoral Education

Postdoctoral education of S.Kuznets KhNUE provides training by 5 scientific specialties (a list of 2015) that are:
  • 051 Economics
  • 072 Finance, Banking and Insurance
  • 073 Management
  • 075 Marketing
  • 076 Business, Trade and Stock Exchange Activities
Admission to Postdoctoral study of S.Kuznets KhNUE according to scientific specialties of 2015 is started from 1 September 2016.
Individuals who meet the following requirements are admitted to postdoctoral study at S.Kuznets KhNUE (by state order (full-time training) and on the terms of a contract):
  • PhD degree (Candidate of Science);
  • Scientific achievements and published works on the specialty.
Apprenticeship is 2 years
S.Kuznets KhNUE provides training of postdoctoral students according to Guidance for Training Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Students at Higher Educational Establishments (Scientific Institutions) adopted by the Decree of CMU №261 of 23 March 2016.
S.Kuznets KhNUE continues postdoctoral training (for those, who entered in 2015-2016 academic year and earlier) by the following scientific specialties of the list of 2011:
  • 08.00.03 – Economics and Administering National Economy;
  • 08.00.04 – Economics and Enterprise Administration (by the types of economic activity);
  • 08.00.11 – Mathematical Methods, Models and Information Technologies in Economics.
According to issue 2 of the Decree of CMU of 23 March 2016 №261 “On ratification of the Guidance for Training Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Students at Higher Educational Establishments (Scientific Institutions)” training of postdoctoral students is provided in accordance with the Guidance on Training Scientific-pedagogical and Scientific Staff, adopted by the Decree of CMU of 1 March 1999 №309.
Admittance and enrollment to Postdoctoral study of S.Kuznets KhNUE is provided on competitive base in accordance with Terms of admission to higher educational establishments of Ukraine in 2017 and Rules of admittance to postgraduate study of S.Kuznets KhNUE in 2017 (seeAdmission to postgraduate and postdoctoral study).
 From 1 January 2017 (according to Decree of CMU №1050 of 28 December 2016 and the Decree of CMU №32 of 25 January 2017) the scholarship of postdoctoral students is 90% of the salary of an associate professor + surcharge for scientific degree and academic title in case when the scientific program corresponds with the scientific degree or academic title of a postdoctoral student.