S. Kuznets KhNUE announces the admission for the doctoral studies in the following specialities:
    • 051 Economics
    • 072 Finance, banking and insurance
    • 073 Management
    • 075 Marketing
    • 076 Business, trade and exchange activities
    Applicants who hold a PhD degree and have a number of scientific achivements and published papers in a speciality chosen shall be admitted for the doctoral studies  to S. Kuznets KhNUE (on the terms of state order or contract).
    The term of doctoral study in S. Kuznets KNUE is 2 years.
    Topic of the dissertation
    The topic of the dissertation of the applicant for the doctoral studies shall be approved at the department meeting two months before the enrollment.
    Admission documents
    The following documents shall be submitted to participate in competitive admissions for the doctoral studies in S. Kuznets KhNUE:
    • Written characteristics of the research activities of the applicant, made by the doctor of science, who is employed with S.Kuznets KhNUE with his agreement to be a scientific advisor in case the applicacant is enrolled.
    • a copy of the PhD diploma with the speciality indicated
    • a copy of the associate professor\professor diploma (if available)
    • an application addressed to the Rector;
    • original and a copy of the identification document
    • a copy of the identification number card (for those who apply for the full-time study)
    • personal human resource record card bearing the seal of the institution in which the applicant studies or works.
    • autobiography (on standard form)
    • list of published scientific papers and inventions (if available) authenticated by the academic secretary
    • research proposal in the speciality chosen authenticated by the scientific advisor
    • local municipal statement of residence (for non-residents) for accommodation provision
    • medical health certificate form № 086/у
    • two color photographs 3х4 сm
    • authenticated original and a copy of a military registration card (an officer’s certificate) or statement of residence – for persons subject to military service
    • Passport, a PhD diploma with the annex and a military registration card (an officer’s certificate) shall be submitted by the applicants personally. Copies without originals are not accepted.
    • When applying for the participation in competitive admission for the doctoral studies to S. Kuznets KhNUE the amount of research work completed shall not be less than 70%
    • To participate in competitive admission for the doctoral studies to S. Kuznets KhNUE the applicants submit their research proposals which contain information about the progress of the research to the corresponding departments two months before the admission. In two-week term since the arrival of the documents the departments review the proposals of the applicants and by a recorded vote determine the possibility of admission of each of the applicants for the doctoral studies and submit the results to the corresponding faculty boards of S. Kuznets KhNUE.
    • During next two weeks faculty boards review the results submitted by the departments and listen to the reports of the applicants about the amount of research work completed. By secret voting the boards determine the possibility of admission of each of the applicants for the doctoral studies and submit the results to the academic board of S. Kuznets KhNUE.
    • The academic board of S. Kuznets KhNUE in a month term reviews the results submitted by the faculty boards and makes  decisions about the admission of each of the applicants for the doctoral studies, on the basis of characteristics submitted appoints scientific advisors who are employed with S.Kuznets KhNUE and have the degree of Doctor of Science in corresponding speciality.
    Acceptance of applications and documents is performed by the doctoral admission committee of S. Kuznets KhNUE (Library building, 406 room, Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies) from 01.08.2018 till 31.08.2018.
    Office hours of the doctoral admission committee
    Monday-Friday 10.00 – 16.00;
    Saturday 10.00 – 14.00;
    Sunday – off day.
    Admission of applicants for the doctoral studies finishes by 1.09.2018.
    In five-day term  after the enrollment to S.Kuznets KhNUE doctoral studies the doctoral students shall submit to the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies the following documents:
    • copy of the employment record book (if available) bearing the seal of the institution in which the doctoral student works.
    • certificate confirming average earnings at the most recent place of employment signed by the head of the organization and chief accountant.
    In a month term since the day of the enrollment the doctoral students shall discuss and lay down the topic of the dissertation at the specialized committees in corresponding specialities. Then in two-week term they submit an abstract of minutes and a completed form (according to the sample) of the research proposal to the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies. Then the topic of the dissertation shall be discussed at the specialized committee meetings and approved (with necessary amendments) by the academic board of S. Kuznets KhNEU.
    In a month term after the enrollment doctoral students complete their individual plans (planned figures) in two versions and submit them to the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies.
    Cross liabilities of the university and the doctoral  students, who study at the expense of the government, private or legal bodies are determined by the contract with S.Kuznets KhNEU (See Rules of admission for the post-graduate and doctoral studies to S. Kuznets KhNUE in 2018).