Faculty of Economy and Law

Foundation Year – 1983

Kharkiv, pr. Science, 9a

61001 Ukraine

KNUE, Building 2, Office 45-47

Tel: +38-057-702-05-47

Fax: +38-057-702-07-17

Site: http://www.ep.hneu.edu.ua/

E-mail: dekep@hneu.edu.ua

Instagram: @ep_hneu

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fakultetephneuimskuzneca

Dean of the Faculty – Bril Mykhailo, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor

Faculty of Economy and Law was established in 2001. The faculty trains qualified specialists for all sectors of the economy. Graduates of the faculty become leading specialists of modern domestic and foreign enterprises and organizations

Our competitive advantages:

Cooperation with foreign universities and the possibility of obtaining double degrees (Polish-Ukrainian program of double degrees “Human resource management ” (Akademia Humanistyczno-ekonomiczna, Krakow), Lithuanian-Ukrainian program of double degrees of Master of Public Administration with Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius (Lithuania), Joint Slovak-Ukrainian Master’s Program ” Business analytics and information systems in entrepreneurship”;

Students have the opportunity to study entirely in English in the educational program “Public Administration”;

Continuous language and computer training at the bachelor’s and master’s degrees;

Fruitful cooperation with leading domestic and international companies and institutions in which graduates of the faculty undergo practice knowledge and employment: Nestle Ukraine, AB InBev EFES Ukraine, Philip Morris Ukraine, PrivatBank, Pension Fund, State and local governments and others;

High quality teaching staff and developed infrastructure of the educational process ensure the appropriate quality of educational, methodological and scientific learning processes.


More detailed information on specialties is available to entrants at the link:

The first level of higher education “Bachelor”: https://www.hneu.edu.ua/vstup-na-osnovi-pzso/perelik-spetsialnostej-za-yakymy-zdijsnyuyetsya-pryjom/

The second level of higher education “Master”: https://www.hneu.edu.ua/vstup-za-osvitnim-stupenem-magistra/perelik-spetsialnostej-za-yakymy-zdijsnyuyetsya-pryjom/

Departments of the faculty:

– Department of Social Economics

– Department of Economics of Enterprise and Business Organization

– Department of Legal Regulation of Economics

– Department of Statistics and Economic Forecasting

– Department of Public Administration and Regional Economy

– Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy


4 years


Specialty 051 "Economics"
- Economics of enterprise
- Personnel management and labour economics
- Economics and economic policy
- Business statistics and analytics
- Agribusiness economics
Specialty 081 "Law"
- Legal regulation of the economy
Specialty 232 "Social Security"
- Management of the social sphere

1,4 years


Specialty 051 "Economics"
- Economics of enterprise
- Personnel management and labour economics
- Economics and economic policy
- Business statistics and analytics
Specialty 232 "Social Security"
- Specialization "Social Project Management"