• Quality assurance and innovative development department

    61166, Kharkiv, Nauky Avenue, 9-A,

    S.Kuznets KhNUE, main building, office 215

    Tel. +38 (057) 702-18-35 (3-59)

    Е-mail: deptinnc@hneu.edu.ua osvita.hneu@hneu.net

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quality.education.hneu/


    Head of department: Hanna Polyakova

    The department was established in 2010, reorganized in 2015.

    The goal is to solve modern tasks of quality assurance and innovative development of S.Kuznets KhNUE

    QAIDD performs the following functions: research, informational and analytical, project-targeted, organizational-coordination, monitoring and self-assessment, methodical, advisory, etc.

    Areas of QAIDD activity:

    1. Providing S.Kuznets KhNUE internal quality system is functioning.
    2. Support for innovative development system of S.Kuznets KhNUE.
    3. Administering and information support for S.Kuznets KhNUE participation in world and national rankings.
    4. Conducting socio-psychological research on quality assurance at S.Kuznets KhNUE according to external and internal environment requirements.

    QAIDD main tasks:

    1. Participation in determining strategies and forming the directive and normative-methodological base of S. Kuznets KhNUE, that regulating internal quality assurance and innovative educational activities.
    2. Studying, summarizing and disseminating positive international and domestic experience in educational innovation for internal quality assurance.
    3. Designing structure and content of quality assurance system taking into account Conceptual Framework of Development of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics till 2020, determining system of quantitative and qualitative indicators in accordance with ESG, with priorities of national and world university rankings.
    4. Developing technologies and conducting educational monitoring on quality assurance of education and quality of educational activity, on improving S. Kuznets KhNUE educational environment.
    5. Information and analytical support of monitoring student’s learning outcomes.
    6. Information support for delivering ranking of scientific and pedagogical staff.
    7. Preparing educational innovative projects, their testing and implementation.
    8. Organizing and delivering scientific and methodical events (such as seminars, trainings, round tables) on topical issues of quality assurance, how to implement educational innovations.
    9. Providing individual and consulting service with the participants of educational process on issues of quality assurance, educational innovative activity.
    10. Organizing and managing social-psychological researches on quality assurance at S.Kuznets KhNUE.


    Quality Assurance

    Regulatory documentation

    Infographics “S. Kuznets KhNUE in rankings”

    S. Kuznets KhNUE in international and national rankings

    Annual report of Simon Kuznets KhNUE on meeting the criteria for granting and confirming the status of national HEI

    Student surveys

    Academic Integrity

    Rating of faculty staff, departments, faculties

    Monitoring the quality of education