• International scientific and practical conference “Information technologies in the modern world: young scientists research”

    International scientific and practical conference “Information technology in the modern world: young scientists research “, March 21-22, 2019

    Responsible person: doctor of sciences, prof. Head Department of Information Systems Rudenko O.G.

    Section 1. Information technologies and systems in economics, engineering and ecology. Department of Information Systems Fedorchenko V.M, tel .: +38(057)702-18-31, add. 3-47, e-mail: kafis@hneu.edu.ua

    Section 2. Innovative computer technologies in education. Department of Computer Science and Computer Science Teslenko O., tel .: +38(057)702-18-31, add. 4-38, e-mail: kafikt@hneu.edu.ua, Oleh.Teslenko@m.hneu.edu.ua

    Section 3. Information Technologies in the Publishing and Printing Industry., Department of computer systems and technologies Potrashkova L.V. tel.: +38(057)702-06-74, add.4-01, e-mail: kafcomp@hneu.edu.ua