Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
61166, Kharkiv, Nauky Av., 9-A
KhNUE, the 1st building,
The 2nd floor, room 312: the 4th floor, room 500
Head of the department: Vladyslav Zarzhetskyi.
Activities of the department:
- Ensuring the functioning and development of KhNUE Personal education systems.
- Preparing and publication of interactive multimedia electronic educational editions.
- Preparing and ensuring the functioning of online education courses.
- Preparing experimental electronic means of education in new technical formats.
- Implementation of distance and mixed education into a KhNUE educational process.
- Support and implementation of the policy of inclusion in the digital services of the University.
The main objectives:
- ensuring the functioning and development of technical and software platform of KhNUE Personal education systems’ website;
- maintaining a register of electronic courses located on KhNUE Personal education systems’ website;
- implementing and certification of electronic courses located on KhNUE Personal education systems’ website;
- ensuring the conduction of KhNUE students and teaching stuff online surveys on the activities of the department;
- preparing and publication interactive multimedia electronic educational editions;
- consulting the teaching stuff on the matter of preparing interactive multimedia electronic educational editions and electronic means of education, assisting authors in preparing their manuscripts and projects;
- editing and testing the projects of interactive multimedia electronic editions;
- maintaining and preservation of multimedia electronic editions and other electronic means of education repository;
- ensuring the functioning of technical and software platform for creating, managing and providing access to the KhNUE online courses;
- formation of methodical supplying for the teaching stuff training on creating online courses;
- technical support for the process of developing educational online courses;
- developing of methodical supplying of online courses on existing and new academic disciplines;
- formation of offers and preparation of statutory and regulatory documents on implementation technologies of distance and mixed education.
Useful links:
KhNUE Personal education systems’ website
Regulation on personal education systems
KhnUE interactive multimedia electronic educational editions
The system department’s projects management