• Digital and inclusive education department

    Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

    61166, Kharkiv, Nauky Av., 9-A

    KhNUE, the 1st building,

    The 2nd floor, room 312: the 4th floor, room 500


    Head of the department: Vladyslav Zarzhetskyi.


    Activities of the department:

    1. Ensuring the functioning and development of KhNUE Personal education systems.
    2. Preparing and publication of interactive multimedia electronic educational editions.
    3. Preparing and ensuring the functioning of online education courses.
    4. Preparing experimental electronic means of education in new technical formats.
    5. Implementation of distance and mixed education into a KhNUE educational process.
    6. Support and implementation of the policy of inclusion in the digital services of the University.


    The main objectives:

    • ensuring the functioning and development of technical and software platform of KhNUE Personal education systems’ website;
    • maintaining a register of electronic courses located on KhNUE Personal education systems’ website;
    • implementing and certification of electronic courses located on KhNUE Personal education systems’ website;
    • ensuring the conduction of KhNUE students and teaching stuff online surveys on the activities of the department;
    • preparing and publication interactive multimedia electronic educational editions;
    • consulting the teaching stuff on the matter of preparing interactive multimedia electronic educational editions and electronic means of education, assisting authors in preparing their manuscripts and projects;
    • editing and testing the projects of interactive multimedia electronic editions;
    • maintaining and preservation of multimedia electronic editions and other electronic means of education repository;
    • ensuring the functioning of technical and software platform for creating, managing and providing access to the KhNUE online courses;
    • formation of methodical supplying for the teaching stuff training on creating online courses;
    • technical support for the process of developing educational online courses;
    • developing of methodical supplying of online courses on existing and new academic disciplines;
    • formation of offers and preparation of statutory and regulatory documents on implementation technologies of distance and mixed education.


    Useful links:

    KhNUE Personal education systems’ website   https://pns.hneu.edu.ua/

    Regulation on personal education systems    https://pns.hneu.edu.ua/mod/resource/view.php?id=121587

    KhnUE interactive multimedia electronic educational editions   https://www.hneu.edu.ua/elektronni-multimedijni-interaktivni-vidannya/

    The system department’s projects management    http://elt.hneu.edu.ua/