Department of Computer Systems and Technologies

Foundation year – 2005

61001, Kharkiv, pr. Nauki 9a, KhNEU them. S. Kuznets

The main building, k. 407

Tel. 702 06 74 (internal 4-01)



The department is headed by Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor Pushkar Alexander Ivanovich.

There are 15 teachers at the department: 1 Doctor of Economics, professor; 1 candidate of technical sciences, professor; 11 candidates of sciences, associate professors; 1 senior teacher; 1 teacher

The purpose of training bachelors and masters is the training of highly qualified specialists who are able to manage publishing and printing companies, departments of advertising and publishing at enterprises, organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership, taking into account the economic features of their activities.

Specialist in “Computer Technologies and Systems of Publishing and Printing Industries” specialization, who received basic training at Kharkiv National Economic University. S. Kuznets will be able to:

  • to manage the technological process of preparation and publication of printing products at any stage (pre-press, print and post-print);
  • to design and maintain automated systems for processing textual and graphic information;
  • to design, execute computer assembly, layout and editing of book-magazine products with the help of modern computer publishing systems;
  • design and use of programs, methods and technologies for the creation of materials for electronic publication;
  • to provide operative polygraphy using local and global networks;
  • to develop information systems of publishing houses and printing houses.


The acquired knowledge, skills and abilities will allow the specialists to hold positions:

  • Director of publishing and printing company (executive, technical, commercial);
  • the head of the department of printing company or typography;
  • technologist of computerized printing production;
  • an economist or technologist of publishing and printing production;
  • designer;
  • publishing manager, etc.


Specialist in “Technologies of electronic multimedia editions”, who received basic training at Kharkiv National University of Economics. S. Kuznets will be able to:

  • to develop the design of multimedia interactive publications, presentations, Web-sites, computer games on standalone media and in the Internet space;
  • to design and administer local computer networks;
  • design and operate computer advertising and video processing systems;
  • analyze the performance of multimedia systems.
  • plan a script for the structure and functioning of the electronic publication;
  • work with modern preprinting systems for textual, graphic (in particular raster and vector), video and audio information;
  • create artistic, animated and technical images;
  • process static 3D images, create dynamic video clips.


The acquired knowledge, skills and abilities will allow the specialists to hold positions:

  • Head of Publishing and Printing Company, Web-studio or advertising agency;
  • Chief of Advertising Department;
  • technologist;
  • designer or web designer;
  • a multimedia project manager, etc.


Research activities

The department conducts scientific research in the field of “Multimedia technologies of electronic publications in education and science”. In addition, the teachers of the department conduct research in the following areas:

  • multimedia technologies of electronic publications in education and science;
  • development of methodological and methodological support in the field of economic and information security of enterprises;
  • development of multimedia didactic complexes for creation of integrated information educational space;
  • development of multimedia presentations, prepress preparation of advertising materials;
  • multimedia technologies of electronic publications in business and education;
  • development of the architecture of electronic textbooks on the basis of multimedia technologies.


The research activity of the department of computer systems and technologies is aimed at studying the actual problems of creating electronic multimedia editions, developing scientific and methodological foundations for the operation and management of publishing and printing technologies in the conditions of the information economy, the creation and implementation of e-learning systems in the pedagogical practice of modern high school, modeling of processes of development of high-tech enterprises in the conditions of information economy.

The priority directions of scientific research of the department are:

  • analysis of the peculiarities of implementation and technological support of e-learning systems;
  • methodology for developing e-learning portal in the workplace;
  • Methodology of creating a pedagogical design of training tools in the workplace based on multimedia technologies;
  • modeling the development of information resources and e-business;
  • management of development of high-tech enterprises in the conditions of information economy;
  • modeling of processes of socially responsible hierarchical management of enterprise potential.


Practical and theoretical results of the research work at the department of computer systems and technologies are reflected in monographs, manuals, articles, have been repeatedly reported at international and all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences and scientific seminars.

During the last five years, the teaching staff of the department has published 13 monographs, 59 scientific articles, 78 abstracts.

The results of the researches of the teachers of the department formed the basis:

  • development of technology for creating a multimedia directory of scientific and technical developments and investment projects of higher education institutions in Ukraine;
  • information system based on the multimedia catalog of scientific and technical developments and investment projects of institutions of higher education of Ukraine;
  • a new model of presentation of educational disciplines and the construction of electronic multimedia editions to provide academic disciplines based on the integration of objective-oriented and process approaches.


The department constantly conducts research work on the study of methods and models of distance learning, as well as modeling processes for managing enterprise development.

On the chair under the direction of doctor of sciences, professor Pushkar, OI A scientific school “Models and Information Technologies in Development Management” was founded.

Every teacher of the department of computer systems and technologies regularly, once every three years, increases the qualification on the basis of the plan of improvement of qualification of scientific and pedagogical personnel. The main form of advanced training is an internship at the Interregional Institute for Advanced Studies and Polygraphic Enterprises of the Kharkiv Region.

Teachers of the department are certified specialists in the field of training, use of business English, practical rules of information security management, modern printing technologies.




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